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Latest changes in the rules for employment of Ukrainian citizens

The changes in the rules for employment of Ukrainian citizens, which came into force on July 1, 2024, aim to facilitate the recruitment process and adapt the regulations to the current needs of the labour market. The introduced changes are relevant for both, employers and employees from Ukraine, as they affect employment procedures, working conditions,

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9 July 2024

The “Active Parent” Act – new benefits for parents

On June 12th, 2024, the Act on Supporting Parents in Professional Activity and Child Rearing, commonly known as the “Active Parent” Act, was published in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland. This act introduces a series of systemic solutions aimed at helping parents balance professional and family life. The initiative brings various

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3 July 2024

The Whistleblower Protection Act – new responsibilities for employers

On June 24, 2024, the Whistleblower Protection Act was published in the Journal of Laws, aligning Polish legislation with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council dated October 23rd, 2019, concerning the protection of individuals reporting breaches of EU law. Legislative background Directive (EU) 2019/1937 The European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2019/1937,

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26 June 2024

Social security for sickness and maternity

Persons who are obligatorily insured for sickness and maternity are mainly employees. Persons covered by obligatory pension and disability pensions insurance, who, inter alia: work on the basis of an agency agreement or contract of mandate, carry out non-agricultural activity can also be insured, voluntarily, for sickness and maternity. The amount of the sickness contribution

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18 April 2024

Draft Act amending the Act on Foreigners and certain other Acts

The legislative draft of February 7, 2024, aimed at amending the Act on foreigners and certain other acts, provides for the introduction of a number of new regulations relating to the procedures for the entry and stay of foreigners in Poland. The proposed changes cover various aspects, such as residence applications formats and EU Blue

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27 March 2024

Amendment to the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine

The Act of February 9, 2024, amending the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine, the Act on Personal Income Tax, and the Act on Corporate Income Tax, entered into force on February 22, 2024. The amendment to the Act of March 12, 2022,

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1 March 2024

Changes to the deduction for the Company Social Benefits Fund

The 2024 budget law does not introduce any specific provisions regarding the calculation of the basic deduction for the Company Social Benefits Fund (CSBF). Therefore, general rules will apply, i.e. the amount of the deduction will depend on the average monthly salary, with the term “average salary” referring to the average monthly salary in the

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22 February 2024

Amendment of the Law on the Protection of Minors – new obligations for employers

On Thursday, February 15, 2024, the provisions of the amended Act on Combating Sexual Offences and Protecting Minors will come into force. The new wording of the act and the scope of the applied regulations will concern specific measures for the protection of minors. Before entering into any employment with an individual or before allowing

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12 February 2024

Changes in Polish labour law 2024

Minimum wage The minimum wage will increase twice in 2024. From 1 January 2024, the minimum wage will be PLN 4,242 gross followed by a second increase to PLN 4,300 gross at the beginning of July. The minimum hourly rate will increase accordingly, from 1st of January it will be PLN 27.70 gross and from

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10 January 2024

Position of the State Labour Inspectorate on the New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

In the provisions of the regulations of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 18 October 2023, amending the regulation on occupational safety and health at workstations equipped with screen monitors, specific provisions regarding the financing of corrective glasses or contact lenses for employees were not included. In addition, the aforementioned provisions in this

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18 December 2023

Withholding a PESEL number

Since 17 November, Polish citizens have the possibility to withhold their PESEL number in the national register. This is intended to prevent the unauthorised use of personal data when taking out loans and to prevent various forms of crime and fraud. Currently, the PESEL number can be secured via the platform, in the mObywatel

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20 November 2023

New amount of subsidy for employee meals

From September 1, 2023, an amendment to § 2 para. 1 point 11 of the regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of December 18, 1998, has come into effect, which sets out detailed rules for determining the basis for calculating contributions to pension and disability insurance. The current regulation is as follows:

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2 November 2023

Overtime compensation for part-time employees

On October 19, 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in Case C-660/20, Lufthansa CityLine, that an employer cannot compensate part-time employees for overtime to the same extend as full-time employees. Currently, part-time employees in general receive overtime pay only after working eight hours. The CJEU’s ruling obliges employers to pay overtime

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27 October 2023

Day off for a holiday falling on a Saturday in 2023

In general, holidays are non-working days. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the employer is not obliged to ‘compensate’ employees with a day off. However, if a holiday falls on a Saturday, a day off from work has to be granted to employees within the current settlement period. Currently, there are 13 public holidays

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23 October 2023

Remote work in EU Countries – new position of Polish Social Insurance Institution

In the recent months, employers and employees have faced difficulties in obtaining the A1 certificate when applying for remote work outside of Poland. The position of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) was ambiguous, and the practice of individual departments varied significantly. This was due to the lack of regulations that would allow for the

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29 September 2023

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