Welcome to HLB Poland

HLB Poland welcome you to our website which is dedicated to providing top-tier advisory services to clients looking to do business in Poland and abroad.

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HLB Poland members provide full range of accounting, audit, payroll, HR, along with advisory, tax and financial services, complimented with a fully developed, sophisticated range of technical IT solutions throughout Poland.

As members of HLB we have focus on international business, quality and personal service. Quality is the key driving force, reinforced by regular quality assurance reviews of all member firms by HLB, an up-to-date ISA compliance international audit manual and membership of external professional bodies focused on quality issues.

All HLB Poland member firms are well established locally and nationally, with close contact maintained between HLB members through international referral engagements, regular meetings, conferences, bulletins and newsletters.

Meet the Team

Managing Partner, getsix Group
Managing Partner, HLB M2
Managing Partner, Avanta Audit

Poland’s Attractiveness

Poland is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, along with its highly-educated and multi-linguistic population, provides a strategic position within Eastern Europe.

This makes it an attractive location for foreign companies and business owners. HLB Poland partner with our HLB colleagues provide clients with a seamless service in line with HLB standards for quality and service delivery.

With our geographic spread and complementary service offerings the HLB Poland members provide the full range of accounting, auditing, payroll, HR, along with advisory, tax and financial services, complimented with a fully developed and a sophisticated range of technical IT solutions to HLB colleagues looking to do business in any corner of Poland.

Please click below for more detailed information regarding Poland.

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Strategic Offering

  • Complementary services mean members can work together to meet all client needs;
  • Comprehensively spread across Poland gives simple and direct access to partners for potential clients;
  • Regardless of size or location, the service offering mentioned above would ensure delivery of resources for a specific projects, would never be an issue;
  • Strength in diversity, with different backgrounds and expertise HLB Poland member firms unify to present a holistic service offering greater than the sum of its parts;
  • The HLB global approach supports member firm clients wanting to expand outside their own territory, as well as those operating internationally.
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Doing business in Poland

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Doing business in Poland

Investing in Poland 2024

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Invest in Poland 2022


Download the brochures providing general information and outlining the services that are offered by HLB Poland member firms.

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Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Click below for more detailed information regarding population, major towns and cities, language, religion and holidays in Poland.

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