Transaction advisory includes the following comprehensive services of complex transaction processes:
We offer our support in merger and acquisition projects, including: transaction planning expertise, transaction process assistance, post-transaction integration services.
Acquisition and disposal transactions:
Due Diligence
We offer due diligence services to those companies, who plan to acquire another entity (pre-acquisition due diligence) or have just completed a takeover transaction (post acquisition due diligence). These services are also available to businesses planning to sell assets or preparing y for sale and are designed to present the complete information to potential investors.
We offer due diligence in relation to financial information (financial due diligence) and business information (commercial due diligence).
Investment Projects Analysis
IPO assistance
IPO (Initial Public Offering) is a process of public listing of company’s securities. The auditor’s role in the process of preparing and approving the prospectus primarily consists in the audit of the historical financial information included in the prospectus. The audit opinion confirms whether the financial data (in the form of financial statements) for the previous 3 years are true and fair, and consistent with the most recent accounting policies and reporting standards. If additional interim accounts are presented in the prospectus or its update, the audit opinion or review report may accompany them thus increasing credibility. If the audit was performed on these accounts, the prospectus is valid longer.
Audit and review of financial information
IPO projects
Financial reporting
IT systems changes
The regulations governing reporting for IPO are often unclear, while the structure and history of the company may be complicated. In many cases therefore, the proper selection of accounts and financial data to be published in the prospectus is the main challenge where the auditor’s assistance may be of a help. It is important to ensure that the auditor has sufficient knowledge and documented IPO projects experience.
Each of the individual and independent member firms of HLB Poland have a dedicated HLB Contact Partners.
Start the conversationMarch 5th, 2020
On the 3rd March, 2020 our getsix® partner Mrs. Monika Martynkiewicz-Frank attended and was on one of the panels at the prestigious event called Kongres Firm…
Learn moreDecember 14th, 2018
HLB Poland member firm AVANTA has put together an informative article regarding ‘Financial reporting in Poland only in digital form’…
Learn moreMay 11th, 2016
The draft amendment to the Tax Code on 30th December, 2015 prepared by the Ministry of Finance provides regulations…
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